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Gold White - Prom Bouquets

Gold White - Prom Bouquets

Regular price $55.00

Unit price per 


For Special Sunday Delivery Please call us on 215-390-2030

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Local Florist

Fresh Blooms From
A Local Florist

Flowers Designed

Designed, Arranged & Ready

Hand Delivered

Hand Delivered

Product Information
This Prom bouquet with a rusty golden look with premium flowers like roses, ranunculus, dusty miller, scabiosa, stock with eucalyptus greens. The bouquet will be wrapped with silk ribbon of your choice. Feel free to Call us or add your preference of flowers or colors in the message box if needed, we will try our best to create something unique and beautiful.
Standard : Bouquet will be delivered approximately as pictured
Classic : We will add more blooms and variety to enhance the design

Substitution Policy
In some instances, our photo may represent an overall inspiration or design and which cannot be exactly replicated. Although the actual arrangement/bouquet may not precisely match the photo, the temperament will. We will substitute similar color and quality flowers based on seasonality and market availability. Please feel free to include any specific requirements in the comments section or call us to discuss.

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